The book, that is.

I’ll still be the same annoying weirdo I’ve always been.

Photo of a city on fire along with a man asking if anyone wants to buy a book.

Somehow March came and went without a post, not for lack of trying. Just increasingly dismayed by everything happening in the world. Plus I still had to work, parent, and care for other animals, and now I have writing to promote. It won’t save any lives, except maybe my own, but it’s something I’m good at, and I hope it provides a source of comfort and entertainment to others.

The Family anthology by Writing Bloc, including my short story “The Patriarch”, is available in e-book for Kindle and Nook and in paperback April 19th. Kaytalin Platt, writer of the amazing Equitas fantasy series, recently interviewed me about “The Patriarch” and my approach to writing short stories. I’m currently working on another short story for the Writing Bloc Passageways anthology series to be released later this year. Writing Bloc is steadily building a name for itself as an exceptional independent publishing house, and I’m proud to be included among its roster of authors.

I’m thrilled to share the final cover art of my debut urban fantasy novel A Better Me, coming May 31st.

The e-book is currently available for preorder on Kindle. I will update with the details once other formats become available, including paperback. Until then, be kind to yourself and others.

Eat yummy food, even the rubbish in sketchy colors provided you don’t have any allergies (and in moderation, of course).

Play outside. Hydrate.

Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on.”

Nick Fury, The Avengers


If the writing thing doesn't work out, my backup plans include ninja, rock star, or international jewel thief.