Knowing Your Worth

"Oh, I'm sure there are worse crimes.""But they starts with thinking about people as things."- Carpe Jugulum, Terry Pratchett Whenever I see things about knowing our worth like we're commodities instead of people, it bugs me. I know that's not how it's meant, but the reality is people often do…

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“And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That’s what sin is.” – Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett I recently read an article about people who quit multi-level marketing jobs (MLMs). Someone said she began seeing people as potential customers instead of potential friends. Another article addressed…

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Crazy Busy, Cool!

I know it looks like I've been doing the flaky ADHD thing since I haven't posted since the end of October, but in my defense, I did successfully participate in National Novel Writing Month in November. The rough draft of my novel isn't done, but it's about two thirds of…

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I’m No Superman

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” - Helen Keller Neurological differences are not mental disabilities, and after everything I've observed this past week in particular, I'm beginning to think people who are neurotypical have no business questioning the mental fitness of others. In…

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Adventures in Alyland

Until fifth grade, my report cards typically read, “She is bright, but she talks too much.” My name appeared on the board with such regularity it became a stain in third grade, and once my teacher almost gave me a check mark instead of a verbal warning until my classmates…

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