Shiver Me Timbers, Part 2

As unfun as real piracy can be, especially for struggling authors, I do enjoy our town's annual pirate festival in the summer and the first two Pirates of the Caribbean movies. My family concluded our summer movie nights with one of my favorite movies, Stardust, which features lightning pirates -…

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Shiver Me Timbers!

This past month has been like a "Greatest Hits" of bad takes and worse behavior in the online world of reading and writing. A common theme is people misappropriating and weaponizing the language of legitimate issues to justify misbehavior, which is not only tacky and obnoxious, it minimizes those issues…

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Superb Owls and Other News

Last month, the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl - as preordained by Soros, according to anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists anyway. And for all the complaints about excessive NFL coverage of Taylor Swift, her critics made sure she remained in headlines by accusing her of Satanism. And here I thought…

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